Server FAQ

Services Being Provided Here

What We want To Do

The domain name was found to be available (much to our surprise), and we registered the name to provide an easily-remembered location to find Esperanto information. This server was already in place, and the domain was quickly added by the owner, who is starting to learn Esperanto.

Our goal is to provide pointers to existing resources, in an organized fashion. We also want to host Esperanto information on this server, in Esperanto, as well as presenting information that explains Esperanto in various other languages. (The 'information in other languages' will need to be created by authors who read and write those languages.)

We plan to do this by asking for the help of active WWW Esperantists, and giving them accounts on the server. We will ask other Esperantists (with time and interest) to help proofread new pages, and to assist page authors. And we will be asking other Esperantists to allow us to post links to their pages, and to let us put some information on our server. We hope to have helpers in many countries, available by email.

If someone has their WWW pages on a server, but the links to their server are slow, we can host those pages on instead.

If someone has their WWW pages on a server which has fast links within their country, but with slow international links, we can 'mirror' those pages on our server, so that the files can also be found and seen quickly at, without loading the international links often.

If someone has their WWW pages on a server with fast international links, we can simply point to their pages. We can also consider adding them to the domain.

If a group of esperantists wishes to have an email list, we can create a list for themon the Majordomo listserver.

We would also like to be able to host Virtual Esperanto Conferences. For example, we could work with the LKK (Local Club hosting the conference) to create information pages for the conference, perhaps have registration via email, and certainly post some collected images and short stories of the conference as it happens, to be enjoyed by those who could not attend. If you are interested in discussing this further, please email us (

Server Information

The server is an SGI Indy with 4 GB hard disk. This is shared with a few other small domains. We should expect that will have at least 2 GB now, and we should be able to add more if we need it later.

We are running Netscape Enterprise Server, and Majordomo mail listserver. We also have CGI capability (PERL 5). We will also be adding Real Audio, and we are investigating Netscape Mail Server and WWW-based chat areas.

We are in the process of moving the contents of the FTP site to this server. After the move, the stack site will mirror the contents of

The site is sponsored by a beginning Esperantist, and supported by many other Esperantists. We welcome your comments and ideas by email (

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The Server FAQ in English is maintained by David K. Z. Harris (