Esperanto One of the standard flags of Esperanto
La Internacia Lingvo

The International Language

What is Esperanto? - Esperanto is a language created for people who speak different native languages. It is neutral, international and easy to learn.
Why use Esperanto? - Esperanto is used by millions of people to make friends, learn about other cultures and travel. It can also be used in business to save translation costs, get the latest International News and learn International trends.
Esperanto solves international communications problems.
How can one learn Esperanto? - There are 'net courses, postal courses, text-books and schools that teach it.
Where is Esperanto used? - This is the English language page of Esperanto.Org. The International Language is used by some people in almost every country of the world. We provide a list of Esperanto groups that use English as their native language.

For links to information in other languages or geographical areas, please start at the home page of Esperanto.Org and choose the language or flag of that geographical area. But remember that those pages are in their native languges.

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